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From start to finish, it really is a head-spinner and a heart-pounder, and some of the most fun you can have with your clothes on (though you might need to strip down and dry off after the EP is done with you.). If it wasn’t clear already, it’s damned clear after Silver Bullet that Necronomicon Ex Mortis is “a band to watch”. And if these peoples really do have 69 more songs fully written, bring ’em on!" - No Clean Singing


"Sit back and marvel at the eccentric sound of Necronomicon Ex Mortis as they take us on a wild, but brief journey of thrilling heaviness. Starting with a track about getting ripped apart by a giant undead ape called Crypt of the Gorilla God. It’s a thrashy and speedy opener that features some absolutely screaming guitar solos. An immediate example of the lovable nature of this EP and band. 8.5/10" - Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life


"A tale of primordial monsters living in the dark waters, “The Swamp” finds Necronomicon Ex Mortis at their storytelling finest, evolving a tale in classical fashion while having some moments in the guitar work that wouldn’t be out of place if they were written by Scott Carstairs for a Fallujah record. Somehow they have taken the bare bones that surround them and carved them intro intricate designs that leap between Metal sub-genres with death defying consummate ease. There is so much depth and texture than you’d usually expect to find in these songs... You have to wonder just how long it will be before these Gentlemen find themselves playing the Summer Slaughter Tour because that’s exactly where they should be [8.5/10]" - Metal Noise


"Necronomicon Ex Mortis have shown with Silver Bullet that they want to hit hard very quickly. The pieces are striking and make you want to discover more very quickly! We hope that the European public will respond to the call of the Americans and their desire to immerse us in horror stories worthy of the 80s. We wish them the best and we encourage you to dive into their universe!" - Sounding Shivers


"Thrashy death metal with catchy groove" - The Mosh Pit 89.9 FM (Madison, WI)


"The fusion of Death Metal and shred is intriguing" - Amplified Magazin

"Necronomicon Ex Mortis Mix Shredding Death Metal and Horror On Silver Bullet... If I were to inform you of a band out there describing themselves as a ‘combination of ‘80s shred with ‘90s riffs all wrapped up in a cheesy B-horror movie’ chances are you’d excitedly inquire as to who this band is, after which I could start taking over/under bets on how quickly said horror-metal nerd collective would become one of your new favorites." - Decibel Magazine


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